Hi everyone. Here is me again giving some clues on how to avoid damaging skin while practicing Microblading technique. Don’t get me wrong , I am not recommending this technique.  Anyone familiar with my works  know that I neither like Microblading technique nor consider it as a reliable and sustainable method in Permanent Makeup field, at least not anymore.

I believe Microblading shouldn’t have been categorized in Cosmetic tattooing from the very beginning since its results are semi-permanent. Some Microbladed hair strokes can survive up to six months but most of them will fade in 2 month after application. May be that’s why Microblading Eyebrows is not a very highly sought after cosmetic procedure like it was in 2015 to 2016.

Anyone paying an average of $ 300-$ 400 for tattooed eyebrows wants to see it at least for a year ( depending on colour). I don’t want to imply that other techniques in Permanent Makeup will last forever however you can’t deny that the results from other methods like Shading or Powdered look in Ombre Eyebrows or even the tattooed hair strokes by Micropigmentation Machine are relatively much longer-lasting tattoos. Here are some clues on how to get  better results in Microblading.

First : After the shape is confirmed by your client ( which is the first and most important step in any Eyebrows Tattooing procedure) you have to design a pattern for drawing each tattooed hair stroke in the right place within that frame.  It’s completely individualized. The best hint is to follow the natural pattern of hair growth direction of the client.

Second: Never push the blade forcefully while applying the first stroke, test the skin first . Some skins take the pigment fast  with minimum pressure, some not. Add the pressure little by little until you can see the hair strokes.

Third: Never go over the same hair  stroke more than two times hoping to make it more pronounced. Although the Microblading blade is set of needles , it can easily cut and damage epidermis.

Fourth : Be careful not to draw the tattooed stroked too close to each other, or never try to fill in between two strokes with another one. The pigment in too close Microbladed hair strokes will migrate to each other and result in an unpleasant  smudged look.

Fifth : At the last step when you put the ink on Microbladed area , don’t cover it with a cling film. Let the ink dry out on the Microbladed area , then remove the dried ink using a lint free damp wipe.

And finally like any other cosmetic procedure don’t forget to give all the after care instructions to your clients.